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Another "What the fach?" article

What the fach? What does voice classification and gendered language have to do with the gender binary and trans voices? Find out more.

I thought "they" was plural?!?

You guessed it, this post addresses the confusing discussion of pronouns and their significant value in the trans community.

About Our Founder

Learn more from our founder, Tristan Miedema, MA. Why did you create this website? I created Teaching Trans Voices as an educational hub...

Physical Considerations

This post discusses some of the physical considerations to be aware of when working with transgender singers.

Vocal Feminization

This article addresses the basics of vocal feminization often used by transgender women.

Suggested Readings

An annotated bibliography of sources relating to transgender singers.

Vocal Masculinization

This post addresses the basics of vocal masculinization often used by transgender men.

Blog: Blog2
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